Hey! I’m back. I’m deciding if I should do madness combat animations or not, but since I’m on mobile, I don’t think I can, but I still exist, I think. I’ll still draw and stuff, but my main focus is figuring out how to make madness animations. And since I can’t animate for shit, I’ll try and practice or something, I guess.
Other Updates:
I go by Justin and stuff now. I still like the name Alec but I like Justin. (just found out some mf in LankyBox has the same name as me and idk how to feel) I have a new mascot, and I love him.
My switch is getting fixed today and I’m gonna play the splatoon demo, I know nobody cares but I’M TEAM SCISSORS FOR LIFE because scissors always win and it’s RED!!!! :D
Anyways that’s all. Have a good day and Don’t go to Nevada tomorrow. :-)